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{tutorial} homemade lollipops

Tuesday, June 29

let's make some of these together...

just follow along with me on this super-easy "homemade lollipop" tutorial.
now before we get started, here's my disclaimer:
- i'm no expert on this process.
- there may be BETTER ways to achieve the same outcome. (feel free to share them)
- but this is the process i experimented with & the results were great. *wink*

cookie sheet (for placing the lollipop mold on when baking)
lollipop mold (i used THIS ONE from Bake It Pretty)
non-stick spray or vegetable oil (use this to wipe down your candy mold prior to use).
4" lollipop sticks (like these - available at any craft store)
ziploc bags (if your hard candy isn't individually packaged)
mallet or rolling pin (for crushing candy)
packaging supplies (small cellophane bags, ribbon or fabric - available at any craft store)

since my candies were already individually packaged...
it was SUPER easy to just give each piece of candy
a couple of soft whacks with the mallet.
the candy doesn't have to be finely crushed...
just small enough chunks to fill the candy mold.
(if you use candy that's NOT individually packaged,
you could always put them in a ziploc bag and crush them all at the same time).

when your candy is all crushed...

see how easy those individual packages make it for pouring?
use a spoon if you don't have cute individual packaging!!
(make sure the mold has been prepared
with a light application of non-stick cooking spray or something similar FIRST).

be sure to pile on the candy nice and high and slide your lollipop stick into the middle.
(i've tried it two ways...adding the stick AFTER it melts and BEFORE...i think i prefer AFTER).

5. BAKE AT 300 DEGREES (place on cookie sheet first for easier handling)
This process takes approx. 3-7 minutes for candy to melt completely.
(Here's why I prefer adding the lollipop stick AFTER. The candy melts down and isn't really touching the stick anyway by the time you finish this first "melt down"?) Hmm?

this helps to cover the stick and ensure it's secure when we're done -
what's a lollipop without a stick? right?! *wink*

7. BACK INTO OVEN (another 2-3 minutes or so)
MUCH better results...
I even push down on the lollipop stick - WATCH's hot...
and rotate it a little JUST TO MAKE SURE it's snug in the melted candy.
(just another reason why i think i prefer adding the stick AFTER the melting has been completely done...those sticks get hot). *wink*

"ta dah"!!! easy...right?!

they're now ready to give out as favors or treats
OR you could keep them all to yourself...depending on how you feel that day! *smile*

and let me just say...
if you happen to be so overly excited to make these and you forget to spray your lollipop mold...

here's what you'll get:

BUT...all is not lost...
just put the pieces back in your candy mold...

just like I did...
reheat and you are "good-to-go"!

i hope you enjoyed the tutorial.
if you have any questions or need clarification on anything...let me know.
and if you try this out...i'd LOVE to see the results.

have a fantastic Tuesday!

On my first attempt at making these, I didn't KNOW to use a non-stick cooking spray (frustrated)
AND so...i threw my ruined lollipops & perfectly wasted lollipop sticks into the trash! (not good)
On my 2nd attempt, I knew to use the non-stick spray but was so overzealous with excitement to try again, I completely forgot to add it. (just plain silliness)
BUT...that's when it dawned on me I didn't have to throw the lollipops away...
By remelting them...I was back in business!! brilliant & beaming! *wink*


Unknown said...

genius! They came out adorable!

Kim @
party inspiration

Jen said...

Wow, how amazing! I have to have to try this!!!!!

Shannon said...

Thanks for the tutorial!! They are so cute! Can't wait to try!

Roberta said...

Jess, your party was so cute and I'm really enjoying you sharing all the tutorials with us. These pops are so cute and easy, even for big kids parties...aka adults ;) Have a wonderful week, fondly, Roberta

Lindsay said...

You amaze me! :) Perfection!

Anonymous said...

What a great idea! I have always wanted to make lollipops, but never knew where to start! I think I'll try some for Independence Day!

Save Me A Seat said...

Looks good Jess. Maybe I'll have to try it sometime. My pink lemonade cake is in the oven right now! Keep your fingers crossed for me!

Britt- Sparkled Vintage Charm said...

I just love your blog! It is full of such cute ideas! I adore the parties you throw! So fun!! Hope you have a fabulous day!! Hugs!! Britt :-)

Glory/ Glorious Treats said...

Great tutorial!! Thanks for sharing!
And I really love your "keeping it real" bits at the end of your posts!

Heather said...

Oh my goodness...I just came across your blog from TomKat and I'm in love! I think I could spend a week here at the computer wandering through your blog and still not be fully done with everything I love...but my baby probably wouldn't appreciate that. Thanks for all the inspiration!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jess! I just saw that you commented on my blog about your homemade lollipops! I didn't even know that you knew about my little old blog?! But, I am flattered you looked at it. I just love all these blogs with such wonderful ideas we are sharing with each other. Thank you so much for taking the time to share some extra thoughts with me on my blog. Made my day that some people are actually following it besides my close friends :)!!

Anonymous said...

I've been thinking about making these with different savory and citrus flavors, like lime and cilantro or basil and orange. You made it look so easy! I'll definitely stop thinking and start doing!

Unknown said...

I just found your blog and I'! Adding you to my blog list "must reads". :)

tamy@prettie parties said...

Genius! You make it look so easy too!
I love the fabric ties on the packaging as well...
Happy Fourth

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