i've been out of sorts for the past day & 1/2...stomach flu of some sort!? feeling somewhat better today and i'm determined to get you caught up on the events from the weekend!
first things first - clara participated in solo/ensemble for band over the weekend. yes, my little girl is a "band geek". she's such a beautiful one too! i couldn't be more proud of her. this is her 2nd year playing the french horn and she was also asked to play the melaphone this year. she plays in concert band as well as jazz band. anyway, thursday of this past week, she competed with jazz band and as a team, they won all "superiors" - which is the highest achievement possible. (and they were the only middle school to do that!) To top it off, she then performed a duet and then a solo performance for a band competition the following evening - again, earning "superiors" in both! she's so musically inclined...here's a picture j took w/his cell phone during her duet friday p.m. we then went out to olive garden afterwards to celebrate - ella was not too happy the entire time - doesn't make for an enjoyable dinner. 

secondly - the girls decided, (all on their own), to start a garden. they spent just about the entire weekend tilling and preparing the area. they worked soooo hard. i wish i could've been out there with them but it's too difficult with the baby. they even got help from the neighbor kids: casey, logan and gaylon. i'll have to load pictures later - the camera battery is dead.
in the midst of all of this, uncle mike cooley stopped by. actually, he came by in the a.m. to help j with some schenck displays - i had to take his picture w/ella and show him some love on the blog...he's been such a wonderful uncle to ella...spoiling her with outfits, a swing, a bouncy seat and a whole host a baby "beanies". he ended up treating us all to dinner @ chili's saturday evening. we love ya mike!! you're awesome! thank you! (again, ella not too keen on eating out).

besides all of that, i've been working on a couple of "secret projects"...once i'm back to 100%, i'll fill you in... right now, i've got to shoot an email to curtis & valerie to let them know i can't do lunch with them today - don't think my stomach is quite ready for me to be up & running around just yet - i'm sorry guys - we'll reschedule...i promise!
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