good stuff
Tuesday, March 31
quickly heading out for a day of activities with my mom - but i wanted to post something deb sent me yesterday. (thanks deb)! i'm sure a lot of you have seen some/most/all of this - however, it's such good stuff! and yes...it's crooked - but you know, i kind of like the fact that it's not a "perfect" copy - it corresponds with the intent - life is about learning...it's not perfect & that's what makes it so beautiful! here's to a tenacious tuesday, people!

Monday, March 30

HULLo people...look at these delicious colors - straight from the pantone site. (i've been just dyin' to share these with you for about 3 weeks now - the whole "without computer" thing just wouldn't allow it.) these are the official colors for spring fashion 2009. i am so lovin' the dark citron, salmon rose and hello...super lemon! although i definitely am not one to follow fashion "rules" i definitely enjoy keeping up with the trends. keeps me inspired and of course "in the know". thinkin' i'll paint the girls bathroom the dark citron? what do you think? and i'm tellin' ya - just walk into target or any other retail store and you'll see every single one of these colors in some form/fashion. try it!
what else is new? well....today is the first day of the photographer's workshop i started! so psyched! if you haven't figured it out yet - i am an absolute sponge for inspiration/knowledge/information related to anything that will keep my mind/creativity active - not to mention anything that will better my life physically, emotionally, spiritually, creatively, etc... learning is one of my passions...seriously. i am open to anything new that will add "goodness" to my little "library of smarts". (i just came up with that - and though i could 2nd guess myself and go back and come up with a different phrase, today, i'm just letting things flow). limited time can do that to ya! shhhh....ella is sleeping. *sigh*
ummm...okay - had a fab wkend with j - wonderful one-on-one time. it's so therapeutic - not kidding. also sprinkled in there was a stop up at PAP to see "uncle" nate & to show ella off. uncle mike met us up there as well and then we all left to grab a little lunch from chili's - kris, nate's girl, met us up there as well. j & i then headed to babies r' us with uncle mike - he treated us/ella to an "exersaucer" and some adorable little addidas outfits for ella. THANK YOU uncle mike! he & nate are two of the most incredibly giving guys i've ever met. really. truly. ella is sooo fortunate.
big news for em...my little superstar! she came in 3rd place out of all of the 4th and 5th graders @ her school for a "tropicana speech contest". she was to prepare a 2-3 minutes speech on a topic of interest and present it to her class and then to the school administrators. she won out of her classroom and then she competed against 22 other 4th and 5th graders. the 1st place winner goes onto the county competition. i'm so very proud of her. she was so poised. she chose to speak about type 1 diabetes - because her dad was diagnosed with it @ the age of two. i tried to video tape but the flip battery was dead because i hadn't been able to charge it without the computer. ugh!!! but i got a couple of pics...here's one...

the other thing that came and went during the "twilight zone" (defined as the period i was without communication to the real world - without my computer) - ema's 10th birthday. we kept it pretty simple. we had a small party for her @ the house - she requested strawberry cake - homemade of course. here are some pics:
so...that'll do it for today. i could ramble on and share so much more - well...okay - how about one of ella real quick! this is one of her first tastes of solid food - not tooooo too messy?! *giggle*
disclaimer - please excuse the horrid photo quality - includes awful flash on most and i haven't taken the time yet to make any adjustments....sorry!
Thursday, March 26
look at the sidebar to the right...i've posted the first official video since receiving the flip. the video is of ella's first taste of solid food...my favorite part, (besides the look on ella's face), is the laughter from j as he's feeding her - priceless. (i know grandma schnapp and aunt lynn have been waiting anxiously for some updates on ella - i'll be posting some pics soon...in the meantime...enjoy the video! i'm going to continue to have fun exploring my new apple...LOVE it!
Wednesday, March 25
...or how bout an apple TODAY...apple's iMac computer! holy smokes people - lookie what fedex delivered a short while ago -
i am happy to say i absolutely LOVE what i've seen so far. the 24" screen alone blows my doors off! it's awesome! i'm up and running & can't wait to post some pics...there's so much to catch up on. still learning my way around on this fine piece of machinery but be assured i have already discovered some absolutely cool features - this single piece of technology has already changed my life in just the few seconds i've gotten my hands on it. can i say "wow"! where have you been all my life? i'm passionately in love! this rocks!
Thursday, March 19
i will be without the imac for another whole week - this is unacceptable - not really...but it IS drivin' me el nutso...
so i decided to get out of the house. sitting in the back of the car with miss ella as she eats and i post. (funny). i seem to find myself in this particular spot quite often lately...i ran up to get me a healthy wrap for lunch from this little store i frequent - the health basket. i gobbled it down as i drove here to the eye doctor. i need to go in & schedule an appt. but ella got hungry. when she's finished i'll head inside, take care of business and then head to the village antique mall in mt. dora. don't feel like making dinner tonight - i'd better get creative...it's cloudy/rainy. think i'll head to the paint store and be inspired by some color. wish i had some visuals to post for you. in the meantime, check out my friend celeste's blog: celestefs.blogspot.com - she's always posting great finds...and of course you can check out any/all of the links i've got over to your right under the heading "can't get enough" - i seriosly can't get enough of these talented people! happy thursday people...
so i decided to get out of the house. sitting in the back of the car with miss ella as she eats and i post. (funny). i seem to find myself in this particular spot quite often lately...i ran up to get me a healthy wrap for lunch from this little store i frequent - the health basket. i gobbled it down as i drove here to the eye doctor. i need to go in & schedule an appt. but ella got hungry. when she's finished i'll head inside, take care of business and then head to the village antique mall in mt. dora. don't feel like making dinner tonight - i'd better get creative...it's cloudy/rainy. think i'll head to the paint store and be inspired by some color. wish i had some visuals to post for you. in the meantime, check out my friend celeste's blog: celestefs.blogspot.com - she's always posting great finds...and of course you can check out any/all of the links i've got over to your right under the heading "can't get enough" - i seriosly can't get enough of these talented people! happy thursday people...
Tuesday, March 17
i can't let st. patty's day go by w/out mentioning a few of the things i feel fortunate to have/enjoy in my life. these are in no particular order - just randomly tossed into my pot o' gold:
my 3 beautiful girls, j, the iMac on the way, friends in my life, my ability and desire to create, the endless opportunities for learning/development/growth, inspiration in the most unexpected ways, colors that make me happy, a grandfather who's legacy i'm proud to remember & share & be inspired from, a grandmother who left a profound impact on me in regards to overcoming language barriers & her pursuit for excellence no matter the circumstances, a mom who has exhibited incredible strength in the most difficult situations & whom i continue to learn valuable lessons from, my nikon digital slr, music, good health, sunshine in abundance, my large extended family whom i adore & couldn't imagine my life without...cousins,aunts,uncles,etc...,and most importantly, the gift of this life - without it there wouldn't be any of this.
so what's in your pot o' gold?
my 3 beautiful girls, j, the iMac on the way, friends in my life, my ability and desire to create, the endless opportunities for learning/development/growth, inspiration in the most unexpected ways, colors that make me happy, a grandfather who's legacy i'm proud to remember & share & be inspired from, a grandmother who left a profound impact on me in regards to overcoming language barriers & her pursuit for excellence no matter the circumstances, a mom who has exhibited incredible strength in the most difficult situations & whom i continue to learn valuable lessons from, my nikon digital slr, music, good health, sunshine in abundance, my large extended family whom i adore & couldn't imagine my life without...cousins,aunts,uncles,etc...,and most importantly, the gift of this life - without it there wouldn't be any of this.
so what's in your pot o' gold?
drivin' me nuts
not having a functioning computer right now is drivin' me nuts. thank goodness for phone technology - allowing me to post mobile.
i have so much to talk about....so much to update you on. ema's dinner from the other night has yet to be posted, clara's awesome band performance with the dallas brass...ema's 10th b/day, the spring colors i'm totally in love with, ella turning 4 months, ella with a fever today from her shots yesterday...a new computer on the way thanks to some feedback from two superstars...rhonna & heidi, martha's new blog: www.thecraftsdept.com , the photographer's workshop i'll be starting on the 31st, my pursuit for a ga degree...again, "eating clean" news and so much more. hang in there with me. i'm hoping to be up and running some time this week - keeping fingers crossed. make your tuesday tops...people!
i have so much to talk about....so much to update you on. ema's dinner from the other night has yet to be posted, clara's awesome band performance with the dallas brass...ema's 10th b/day, the spring colors i'm totally in love with, ella turning 4 months, ella with a fever today from her shots yesterday...a new computer on the way thanks to some feedback from two superstars...rhonna & heidi, martha's new blog: www.thecraftsdept.com , the photographer's workshop i'll be starting on the 31st, my pursuit for a ga degree...again, "eating clean" news and so much more. hang in there with me. i'm hoping to be up and running some time this week - keeping fingers crossed. make your tuesday tops...people!
Wednesday, March 11
i apologize for the inactivity the past few days, resulting in a "blahg". the computer has been down since friday evening. please email me with questions you need answered right away: jlkphotography@hotmail.com otherwise it won't be until this weekend that i'll be up & running again. (posting is not as much fun from my phone). it's wednesday, people...make it a good one!
Friday, March 6

mr. brown...i love you! happy weekend to all.......
am i spoiling the surprise??
i believe everyone should've received the announcement in the mail - but if for some reason you haven't...sorry to spoil the surprise. i was trying to hold out until i knew everyone got it - but the suspense is killing me. aren't these absolutely adorable - of course the photo of ella is what makes the entire announcement. however, i have to give props, yet again to hof3 for the digital elements that inspired the entire project... (if you recall, some time back, i posted the "original" announcement and said i needed to tweak it a tad - well i changed up the entire thing after stumbling across the goods at hof3...LOVE the end result! enjoy...& happy friday to all!

Thursday, March 5
perusing through one of my favorite sites for inspiration & stumbled across some looks i'm loving - thought i'd share. i feel inspired.
yummy sunglasses - shredded denim....aaaannnnddd
arm warmers - yes, i adore the arm warmers....

Wednesday, March 4
excited to be able to finally share one of the secret projects i've been working on...this was an 8x8 book i created for debbie, (j's mom)...it's her b/day today! happy birthday deb!! (she called lastnight to say she rec'd it in the mail yesterday...so now the secret is out...) almost all graphic elements used came from the digital warehouse at houseofthree...& the words were adapted from the card debbie bought us when ella was born. i just changed the word "daughter" to "granddaughter"........enjoy... my peeps...

this pic with ella & the bear was a 2-page spread

these pics are extra special because they are photos of ella on the quilt
made for her by her great grandma jo, aunt sue & aunt martha -
look closely & you can read the inscription they had embroidered...
plus i love the angle of this pic - ella's quirky little smile & her naked little booty showing...

my all-time fav photo - i ended up using this on her announcments

another 2-page spread...great impact & was the perfect photo to accomplish
the spread without taking away from the photo -
the crease fell perfectly between their heads
Tuesday, March 3
did you see the flip i designed,(and ordered), posted to the right? pretty cool, huh? i can't wait to get it. i've decided to be a designer for theflip - hence the link i just mentioned and the option to purchase it. it's not a big deal...anyone can sign up to be a designer through cafe press- you get $10 bucks a pop for anyone who decides to purchase a flip with your design. it's pretty cool. if you are in the market for one and you'd like me to design something cool and original for you - let me know. (or try to design one yourself...it's fun!) it's late - good night - i'll be posting one of my "secret projects tomorrow"...yea!!
in an attempt to teach my girls how to cook, i've decided to have them make some dinners all on their own. it was claracakes turn lastnight. she's twelve years old...soon to be 13 in may, and i must say she did a FABULOUS job! she made lasagna - all "eat clean" ingredients except for six noodles...because i was out - we even used the veggie crumble instead of hamburger meat:
a spectacular salad she created w/some "martha" flair:

and she even made dessert..."cheesecake nibbles"...NOT on the "eat clean" program:
it was even her night for dishes and she cleaned up wonderfully afterwards as well. she's such a superstar! (and now...she can cross this off some of her "personal progress" goals for church). it was all delish...i'm definitely very proud!!

Monday, March 2

i finally mailed off ella's birth announcements...TODAY! yes, as silly as it might seem, yes...these are pictures of them prior to placing them in the mailbox @ the post office. (& trust me, it was quite the ordeal trying to get "just the right picture"...i only had my telephoto lens on because i was on my way home from ema's school & i'd taken my camera up there to snap some pics of the kids). you have to have quite a bit of distance between you & your subject w/that type of lens. i was getting some strange looks from people in the parking lot...yes...i placed them on the ground...hence the yellow stripe in the one shot. all for fun. anyway - be watching for them to arrive in the next day or so...