i thought posting some of these photos from the girls playing around with photobooth would be apropos - since it's april fool's day...hope they make you laugh....
our morning started with me fixing blue oatmeal for the girls along with some blue apple cider to match. as they were eating i simultaneously set down their "vitamins" for the day as i requested they please take them...it wasn't until they looked down that they realized i had set down chocolate chips as a substitute today. i then proceeded to lace their bathroom cupboard with a fake lizard and then stuffed their shoes with tissue paper and tied the laces together. can't wait to get j later with olive oil on the toilet seat...*snicker*. and clara has already requested permission to get him with the "ole kitchen nozzle spray trick" - i'll have to have the flip ready for that.
lots of running around yesterday. spent the day with mom - went to lowe's to be inspired - by color in the paint section, appliances for the kitch, and lav sinks. we then headed to crisper's for lunch and then it was back home. (only for a little while though). ema came home, we headed to get clara from school because she brought home goldfish from her science teacher and we had to head to the pet store for appropriate supplies. $50 later, ($40 of it was clara's money by-the-way)...it was time to feed the baby so we parked before driving home in the rain. it was then on to cooking taco salad...(which i have a recipe for the taco seasoning mix that is super easy and is so much healthier & less expensive than the packages in the store - want it? post a comment). i was exhausted people. seriously. i was up the night before with ella tossing all night from about 1a.m. to 3:30a.m. - and then she woke me up @ 3:30a.m. talking out loud, playing with her crib toys. hello? it wasn't morning yet...what was she thinking? i fed her and then she fell back to sleep...ready to eat again @ 6a.m. *sigh* last night didn't hold much reprieve either - woke me up @ 3:30 again for a feeding. must be a growth spurt?
loving my photo class so far. simple assignment for this week is to post an emotionally driven photo - doesn't have to be technically correct....ooo! ooo! i know just the one...dang it! it's in the other computer that crashed. haven't had the IT guy salvage it yet. ugh! i'll post what ever one i come up with. happy wednesday....and as my grandfather would say..."happy birthday"...(since it's april fool's day)
When I was little my mom used to do fun things like that for April fools and St. Patrick's Day! On SPD she would make everything green and mess things up and say the leprechauns did it! Too much fun!
I cant wait to see what picture you come up with... oh and I would LOVE that taco recipe! skt2109@yahoo.com
ok...here;s the taco seasoning recipe:
this is the equivalent to one pkg.from the store & you would add it to your cooked hamburger/chicken along with about 1/4 c water - just like the pkg. directions.
2 tsp instant minced onion
1 tsp salt
1 tsp chili powder
1/2 tsp cornstarch ( i did NOT use this)
1/2 tsp crushed dried red pepper
1/2 tsp instant minced garlic ( garlic powder)
1/4 tsp dried oregano
1/2 tsp ground cumin
mix all together. store in a mini ziploc or a small piece of foil - label it. use within 6 months. i would make double or triple the batch...that way you always have some on hand. enjoy!
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