there's nooooo sleeping-in over the summer in this house! too much to do. too much to get done. it's been full of "busy"...lots of busy-ness:
girl's camp for clara
dentist appts
vehicle repair "waits"
ortho scheduling (uh - oh)
oral surgeon scheduling (ouch)
girls working to earn $ for upcoming trip to nauvoo, palmyra & missouri w/g&g kirkland
swim team for em
side work for mom & rick
catch-up with old friends (shannon & diane) & looking forward to catching up with natalie - whom i ran into @ the grocery store...
lots of driving around
and did i mention lots of driving around?
i'm okay with it. keeps my brain functioning at a level i find stimulating. (probably too much for some people). the only thing i wish for is more time to do what "i" want to do. "create". i did make this adorable father's day card for j...

moving on with all things creative....
and then i also sent away for two shutterfly 4x4 albums. one for j & one for grandpa schnapp - both for father's day. didn't do any "fancy schmancy" stuff to the albums because i'm all too familiar with "men"-tality in relation to creative/crafty goods. it's not understood and therefore cannot truly be appreciated. (if you know what i mean). i just filled up each 4x4 page with full-size pics. & then i paid extra for the leather "wallet-type" thing to make them feel more "manly" vs. carrying around a canvas covered mini-album. simple.
i usually never post on saturdays but i'm squeezing in a quick "hello" before we get going on our day. it's another "driving around" day - errands to run. hope you all have had a wonderful week. i'll leave you with some of things i'm coveting right now:
a "yudu"
and this wall hanging - a collection of plates bolted super fun. the picture doesn't do it justice for what it's like in "real life" -
good saturday to you all! xxooxxo
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