here's my art journaling from over the weekend....

(i LOVE how the printer started running out of ink...
makes for a really cool effect. don'tcha think?)
and here's thee final art journal entry for today's picture-perfect FINISH!
and sooooo....what exactly did i accomplish over the last 21 days? there were 3 specific goals i had in mind. the first was to carve out some "me" time everyday. (at least 1 hour). i referred to this as my oxygen mask. i used the early hours of the a.m. to focus on creativity - the art journaling for the 21 challenge. let me just say: "it. was. wonderful!" it gave me just enough time to awake in the a.m. - before anyone else - and do what i love to do most. CREATE! this is a new habit i plan to continue. it's opened up an arsenal of creative energy for me. i've LOVED it.
my 2nd focus was to make sure to genuinely laugh aloud everyday - & just be positive. i'm happy to report not a day went by without the laughter! the effects have been magical for me. the "positive" outlook part of the challenge was definitely more of a struggle on certain days...but when i saw myself choosing a different path - i was able to quickly turn myself around. AWESOME!
and then the 3rd challenge i was faced with during these past 21 days was to avoid sugar, caffeine & carbs. (what was i thinking)? *wink* it. was. difficult. but i DID it. i got through it. and i could not be more proud.
i've learned so much about myself. thanks rhonna. thanks fellow 21ers! we ROCK!
Jess- thank you for taking the time to reach out to me after reading my comment on Rhonna's blog. It's been very hard- and yet I have faith and I can see the blessings in the face of ever member of our family as they remember and honor and sister in law. I also know there is healing in sharing and creating. Thank you again. It means so much!! xoxo-Kim
Hi Jess, congrats on completing the 21 day challenge! I love your simple but so effective journaling and doodles!!
Hi, there, Jess,
Best Wishes,again, for completing the 21 day challenge. It was so much fun sharing it with you and the other 21'ers.
Oh, I loved your trip through Publix. That was so cool.
Thanks for sharing your art work, too. I admire your creativity.
Take care,
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