welcome to the first official "THIRSTY THURSDAY"
defined as a day to share something that makes my mouth water or quenches my thirst.
(literally or figuratively)
it could be something to eat...
something to decorate with...
an idea i'm dying to try...
a "must have" item i've come across...
something i'm completely jealous over...
pretty much anything that invokes a sensation of desire...
or something that causes the inspiration thermometer to rise significantly.
ANYTHING that gets the creative taste buds salivating...
would you LOOK at this packaging?
love the colors.
love the vintage feel of it -
the fonts, the simplicity...
everything about it made me HAVE to buy it.
and i'm NOT a soda person. (i'm pretty boring actually...water is my choice of beverage).
how could i resist?
the packaging quenched my creative thirst when i saw it in the store.
it was JUST the inspiration i needed to give life to THIS:
by drawing off of the colors in the boylan soda...
the vintage blue, orange with black accents
and then by adding a touch of brown...

this adorable little birthday invite was born.
i LOVE it.
and guess what?
now the soda is a MUST HAVE at the party...
who DOESN'T want adorable matching beverages to offer their guests...???
feelin' thirsty?
Keeping It Real
I've had this "thirsty thursday" concept in my mind for some time but with no real time to "execute" it.
I'm SO glad to get it started.
I have a feeling I'm going to LOVE "thirsty thursdays"...
Cute find! Just goes to show you really can find inspiration anywhere! ;)
I love the colors in the invite. I find so much inspiration for my cakes and cupcakes from unexpected things around me as well! Great job!
love it the bottles & packaging is super cute!!
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