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sweet treats | Modern Frills Giveaway

Friday, August 5

Updated Friday, August 12th...
Winner chosen!!
Comment #86: Lauren N.
Congratulations Lauren!!  (email me at to claim your prize)
And thank you to everyone who took the time to submit your entries!!
A special thanks to Kristina from Modern Frills for sponsoring the fun giveaway!!

For those of you who've been reading my blog for awhile now...
you've heard me mention Modern Frills before. (here and here)

Modern Frills is a customized birthday shirt shoppe owned and operated by Kristina McCook.
Her designs are simple and sweet with a touch of modern meets vintage.
Kristina started her business a couple of years ago
after having designed some shirts for her own children.
Her love of fabrics and design...
numerous requests from friends...
the support from family
and Modern Frills was born.

When Kristina contacted me to recreate her company logo...
I was flattered and thrilled to work with her.

Here's what we came up with together:

The main logo design


various versions of the logo for her to use on business cards, etc.

twitter and facebook badges for her blog

as well as a variety of blog badge buttons

Kristina loved the new company logo so much, she actually created a brand-new line of birthday party shirts to match...


SO adorable!!!
Love them!!
There are so many other lovely designs in the Modern Frills shoppe to fall in love with as well...

here are just a few:


and there are even designs for your little guy too...

What I love most is that Kristina will also do "custom" designs to match whatever party theme you are planning!!

what does this mean for you?

This means a GIVEAWAY for one of you lucky readers!!
Kristina has generously offered a $30 Modern Frills shoppe credit for you to spend as you please!
That means you'll be able to pick out that special something for your little one's birthday you've got coming up...
or how about having a custom onesie created for that baby shower you're going to be attending...
and you know the holidays are right around the corner...these custom creations make GREAT gifts!

Here's all you need to do to enter to win:

Earn five entries by completing each of the five tasks 
you MUST leave a SEPARATE comment here on the blog for each task you've completed.
• Join/Follow the Modern Frills Blog - (join the site, subscribe via email or RSS feed)
• Like Modern Frills on Facebook (leave a comment on FB saying Pen N' Paperflowers sent you)
• Like Pen N' Paperflowers on Facebook 
• Follow Pen N' Paperflowers on Twitter
• Follow Modern Frills on Twitter
Please note: You do not have to complete each task - you merely have the opportunity to increase your chances of winning by completing all five tasks). *wink*

Contest starts today:  Friday, August 5th
Contest ends at midnight:  Thursday, August 11th (using
Winner announced: Friday, August 12th
Contest open to everyone.

Good luck!!
And a special thanks to Kristina for the opportunity to work together...
as well as for the Modern Frills giveaway!!

Happy Friday!!
I hope your weekend is filled with fun!!


Anonymous said...

I follow the modern frills blog! tricityty at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I like modern frills on facebook.

Anonymous said...

I Like pen n paperflowers on facebook! tricityty at hotmail dot com

testing 1 said...

I'm a GFC follower of Modern Frills!

testing 1 said...

I'm a FB peep of Modern Frills

testing 1 said...

I'm already a PNP FB peep!

Unknown said...

I love Kristina shirts! She is so super sweet! I am a follower of her blog

testing 1 said...

You know I love you and stalk you on Twitter :)

testing 1 said...

And I already stalk Modern Frills on Twitter too!

Unknown said...

I am a fan of Modern Frills on FB

Unknown said...

I am a fan of yours on FB too!

Crystal said...

Joined Modern Frills Blog :-)

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Crystal said...

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Crystal said...

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Megan said...

I like Modern Frills on Facebook.

Megan said...

I like Pen N Paperflower on Facebook.

Candy said...

I am now a follower of the Modern Frills blog!

Candy said...

I am a fan of Modern Frills on facebook!

Candy said...

I am a fan of Pen N' Paperflowers on facebook.

Candy said...

I am now a follower of Pen N' Paperflowers on Twitter.

Candy said...

I am now a follower of Modern Frills on Twitter!

Tara said...

Follow the Modern Frills Blog
taraz9 at excite dot com

Tara said...

Like Modern Frills on Facebook
taraz9 at excite dot com

Tara said...

Like Pen N' Paperflowers on Facebook
taraz9 at excite dot com

Tara said...

Follow Pen N' Paperflowers on Twitter
taraz9 at excite dot com

Tara said...

Follow Modern Frills on Twitter
taraz9 at excite dot com

Karina said...

I like modern frills on facebook.

Karina said...

Like Pen N' Paperflowers on Facebook

Love347 said...

I like Pen N' paperflowers on Fb!

Love347 said...

I Like Modern Frills On Fb!

Unknown said...

I follow Modern frills blog!

Unknown said...

I am already a fan of pen n paperflowers!

Unknown said...

I follow pen n paperflowers on twitter!:)

Unknown said...

I follow modern frills on twitter!:)

Unknown said...

I like PnPF on Facebook!

Brandy said...

I'm a Modern Frills blog follower!!


Brandy said...

I like Modern Frills on FB!!


Brandy said...

Now liking Pen N' Paper Flowers on FB!!!


Whoopsie Daisy said...

I follow Pen and Paper Flowers on FB! :)

Whoopsie Daisy said...

I now follow Modern Frills on FB - so glad to know about it!

Unknown said...

I like modern frills on facebook!!

Leigh Owens said...

I follow Modern Frills bog via GFC

Leigh Owens said...

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Leigh Owens said...

I like Pen N'Paperflowers on FB

Leigh Owens said...

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Leigh Owens said...

I follow @ModernFrills on Twitter.

AlmostMrsAnderson said...

I am following Modern Frill's blog
(Lindsey Wilson)

AlmostMrsAnderson said...

Fan of Pen and Paper on FB
(Lindsey Wilson)

Tiffany said...

I follow Modern Frills blog.

Tiffany said...

I "like" Modern Frills on FB AND left a comment.

Tiffany said...

I already like Pen N' Paperflowers on FB. : )

Tiffany said...

I follow Pen N' Paperflowers on Twitter.

Tiffany said...

And I follow Modern Frills on Twitter.

Forever in my heart said...

i subscribed to Modern Frills Blog via email

Unknown said...

joined the site on the modern frills blog

Unknown said...

i liked modern frills on fb

Forever in my heart said...

I left a message on Fb sent by pen n' paper flowers

Forever in my heart said...

I follow Modern Frills on FB

Forever in my heart said...

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Forever in my heart said...

I follow Pen n' Paper Flowers on FB

Forever in my heart said...

I follow Pen n' Paper Flowers on Twitter

Roni said...

I am a member of Modern Frills Blog.

Songbird Sweets said...

i liked modern frills on facebook:-)

Songbird Sweets said...

i liked pen n' paper flowers on facebook:-)

Kristin said...

Like modern frills on fb!

Kristin said...

Like pen and paper on fb!

The Wyler Family said...

I joined the Modern Frills Blog!

The Wyler Family said...

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The Wyler Family said...

I am no a fan of Modern Frills on Facebook!

Carol said...

I LIKE Pen N Paperflowers on Facebook!

c.paints {at} yahoo [dot] com

Carol said...

I like Modern Frills on Facebook!

c.paints [at] yahoo [dot] com

Carol said...

I follow Modern Frills blog by email!

c.paints [at] yahoo [dot] com

Jo's Corner said...

I like Modern Frills on facebook and left a comment here:

Jo's Corner said...

I am now a follower of the Modern Frills blog through GFC.

Jo's Corner said...

I like Pen N Paperflower on Facebook.

Jo's Corner said...

I'm following Pen N' Paperflowers on Twitter as

Lisa Glowacka said...

I follow MFB:

Lisa Glowacka said...

I like MF on FB

Lisa Glowacka said...

I like PNPF on FB

Kellye Arning said...

I'm a fan of Modern Frills on FB now!

Kellye Arning said...

I'm a fan of Pen N' Paperflowers on FB! Thanks!

Lauren N said...

I joined the Modern Frills blog via e-mail - can't wait to start receiving them!

Lauren N said...

I liked Pen N' PaperFlowers on FB!

Lauren N said...

I liked Modern Frills on FB!!

Anonymous said...

Just signed up for to follow your witty blog on email....can't wait!

Anonymous said...

FB fan of Modern Frills....

House of Leahan said...

I like modern frills on fb.

House of Leahan said...

I like you on fb.

Virginia Mason said...

I follow Modern Frills on the blog site as Virginia.

Virginia Mason said...

I follow Pen N'Paperflowers on Facebook.

Virginia Mason said...

I like Modern Frills Facebook.

Susan said...

I am now a follower of Modern Frills Blog!

Susan said...

I like Modern Frills on Facebook!

Susan said...

I like Pen N'Paperflowers on Facebook!

Susan said...

I follow Pen N'Paperflowers on Twitter!

Susan said...

I follow Modern Frills on Twitter!

Mommy Time said...

i'm a modern frills blog follower =)

Mommy Time said...

i'm a modern frills FB fan.

Mommy Time said...

i'm a Pen N' Paperflowers FB fan

Shanna said...

Just "liked" pen n' paper flowers on facebook. How have I missed you?!?!?! :)

Shanna said...

Fan of modern frills on facebook!

APartyStudio said...

Liked Modern Frills on Facebook

APartyStudio said...

I follow Modern Frills on Twitter

Cindy D said...

I joined to follow Modern Frills blog:)

Cindy Darnell said...

I already like pen and paperflowers on FB

Cindy Darnell said...

I like Modern Frills on facebook.

merydwen said...

Hi! Liked Modern Frills on FB. Already a fan of your page and follow your blog. Thanks for the opportunity to win! Super cute giveaway!

Lissa (Bellenza) said...

Great job with the logos...perfect for the Modern Frills image! And the custom tees are just so adorable!

selphishgirl said...

I joined modern frills site! Such cute things! Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

Followed Modern Frills Blog...

Anonymous said...

I liked Pen n Paper on FB!! :) THX!

Donna said...

I follow Modern Frills via GFC.

Donna said...

I like Modern Frills on FB. Donna O'Neil

Donna said...

I like Pen N' Paperflowers on Facebook
Donna O'Neil

Donna said...

I follow Pen N' Paperflowers on Twitter

Donna said...

I follow Modern Frills on Twitter

Jennifer said...

Good Morning!! I follow Modern Frills blog!!

Jennifer said...

I follow Modern Frills on FB & am a fan!!

Jennifer said...

I follow Pen N' Paper Flowers on FB and am a fan!!

Christina said...

I love your designs and the shirts that followed...super cute!

Lalita said...

I am a follower of both Modern Frills and Pen N Paper flowers on FB. I would LOVE to win and get an gorgeous shirt for my daughters 5th birthday in 3 weeks!!

Lalita said...

I like Modern Frills on FB

ellebevents said...

I follow the Modern Frills blog

ellebevents said...

I am a fan of Modern Frills on FB

ellebevents said...

I am a fan of Pen n Paper Flowers on FB

ellebevents said...

I follow Modern Frills on twitter

ellebevents said...

I follow Pen n Paperflowers on twitter

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