A party planning book I was asked to review...
Hilary is a New York based celebrity party planner who has decided to share
all of her fabulous party planning secrets with us.
Her goal?
To help anyone "Throw a FiNtastic party" by "Turning Your Party Into a Memory"
Her goal?
To help anyone "Throw a FiNtastic party" by "Turning Your Party Into a Memory"
As I read through the pages...
I was unexpectedly inspired in ways I didn't see coming.
Among the treasure trove of priceless party planning advice...
I also uncovered inspirational gems buried within the text itself.

I was unexpectedly inspired in ways I didn't see coming.
Among the treasure trove of priceless party planning advice...
I also uncovered inspirational gems buried within the text itself.
Not only do these jewels of passages from Hilary apply to party planning...
they beautifully spillover into applying them to everyday life.
Here are a few more of my favorites:
"...being fully present is the best present you can give your guests [family]."
"It's really all about living in the moment and making people feel special."
"...it's the small things that make life big."
"Keep your energy aligned with all the greatness that is headed your way."
and lastly...
In addition to all of THAT wonderful inspiration...
the book is filled to the hilt with valuable information related to every aspect of the party planning process.

they beautifully spillover into applying them to everyday life.
Here are a few more of my favorites:
"...being fully present is the best present you can give your guests [family]."
"It's really all about living in the moment and making people feel special."
"...it's the small things that make life big."
"Keep your energy aligned with all the greatness that is headed your way."
and lastly...
"...the people, places, and things we are inspired by are lighthouses leading the way to the bigger destination of
whatever we are working towards at that time".
In addition to all of THAT wonderful inspiration...
the book is filled to the hilt with valuable information related to every aspect of the party planning process.
Some of my favorite topics included are:
Suggested shopping sites

Favor/gift ideas
The three F's of entertaining
Invitation Etiquette
Photography Tips
Downloadable Planning Worksheets
28 Party Themes Ideas
Packing your Mini Treasure Chest - Tool Box
Appropriate Tipping Etiquette
You'll also find recipes, ways to keeping your budget trim, party game ideas and so much more.
Giveaway starts today...(Monday)
Giveaway closes at 12:01a.m. Friday.
Winner announced Friday, June 29th.
Open to U.S. Residents Only.
ENTRY #240 - Amy Kenyon
I was excited and honored to have been asked to review Mermaids & Martinis.
Now I'm even more excited to give you the opportunity to
win your own copy...
(I promise the book the winner receives won't be written in or highlighted - I'll let you do that on your own). *wink*
Good luck to everyone...
and THANK YOU in advance for participating!
Sending a HUGE "Thank You" to Hilary Pereira for the tremendous inspiration in this fabulous book...
as well as for the opportunity to share a copy of Mermaids & Martinis with my readers!!
If you aren't the patient sort...
Don't be surprised...
You may see more FREE art prints created using some of the text from Hilary's book...LOVE the inspiration.
Ever heard of "Hostess Slippers"?
I hadn't until I read the book.
and I'm SO stealing the "Rose Water" recipe idea in this book. Can't wait to try it!
I promise to share!!! *wink*