With the first day back-to-school just days away I'm in the middle of a fierce game of Tug O' War…
With my heartstrings. *sigh*
The back-and-forth feelings of excitement about my girls growing up…
and…well...the mommy heartache about my girls growing up.
Not to mention the fact that Summer will be officially over. *frown*
Noooo!!! It's seriously my favorite!!
So…with my current emotional state...I was trying to decide on what fun free printable to offer you for the Blog Hop this month. (the theme being "Back-to-School"). I was persuaded, (by my heart strings of course), to create something simple and cute to show my girls how much I love them. Sappy, right? That's okay. I'm down with sappy.
Anyway, cute lunch box notes definitely crossed my mind but the age differences between my girls doesn't really warrant one design - it'd have to be two….maybe even three different design styles to fit their ages. And honestly…I just don't have the time for three different designs. Just keeping it real.
So…yes...instead of cute teacher printables or something related directly to the school day, I decided to go with something that would focus, instead, on bringing me back to center in the middle of all of the hustle and bustle a new school year brings; Something that would encourage myself AND my girls, to pause, (even for just a minute), to be reminded of how much I love each of them…and why.
So here's what I came up with...
"I Love You Because…" Family Art Prints
I've designed a simple, REUSABLE, interactive printable with space to write a child's name and a short "Love Note" underneath. The idea is to FRAME or laminate the printable in order to be able to WRITE AND ERASE daily, weekly OR just monthly sentiments. Whatever works for your household and your time constraints.
If you choose to frame and hang these like I've done, you can write directly onto the glass with a Sharpie® or a DryErase Marker. Otherwise, you can laminate the printables instead and stick them on the fridge or pin them up on your "command station", (I do not have one of these by the way - although the idea is brilliant), and again…use a Sharpie® or DryErase marker.
I plan on framing one for each of my girls and hanging them as a group in the laundry room - which is the place we come in and out of most frequently since it's connected to the garage. The idea is that they'll see them on their way out and on their way back in at the end of the day. *wink*
I have even created five different color palettes to accommodate the different personalities, (and let's face it...home decor preferences too), for each of our unique households.
Shoot…even if you don't have kids…these could totally work for all of you sweet couples out there looking for cute and clever ways to express your love and passion! Not even kidding. I would SO do this. *wink*
I hope you love the idea and are inspired to print these out and use them in your home.
Just pick your color preferences and file formats...
Five different .pdf files - for printing on to 8.5x1. Includes a grey border for trimming down to 8x10
Five different .jpg files - for printing onto 8x10 photo paper
Stay tuned…the Blog Hop Post is coming up and will contain MORE FREE, CUTE back-to-school printables. I've already had a peek at all of them and you are going to love them!!
For those of you who are wondering…
Cute black wooden frame - purchased at Hobby Lobby.
Box of tissue please…I'm seriously going to be in tears come Monday.
There may or may not have been tears already multiple times this week.
1 comment:
Many thanks for your nice idea!
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